Your craziness always got me like, rofl. As in "rolling ON THE FLOOR laughing". Your songs make me feel like WINDMILLS in the sky, and it makes me wanna MOVE MY WAY tho I was never a good dancer.
Every time I'm on Spotify, I go from "LAST NIGHT of listening to The Vamps" to everynight music jam. You are mostly the reason why I'm always up ALL NIGHT, without sleep. And when I WAKE UP, I would listen to your songs to set my mood. I just can't get enough. I think I can host TALK SHOWS that'll talk abt you and your songs and band and books and movies and all the good stuff, nonstop.
I was thinking that my fangirling status is starting to be DANGEROUS but then I realize, "maybe this ain't gonna be as bad as I thought." Srsly, you're like SCARS to me, like you've been a part of my skin and you will always be. I may not be like those GIRLS ON TV but I know, I'm SOMEBODY TO YOU 'cause I'm a Vampette and you love us, right?
Despite the success you have now, you're still HALF WAY THERE 'cause you still got a long way to go and a lot more to achieve, and I've got HIGH HOPES on you. I'd RISK IT ALL just to meet you in the future because I got to BE WITH YOU. MILLION WORDS won't be enough to express how much I love you. You're so great and talented and I just wanna SHOUT ABOUT IT for the world to know how awesome you guys are. If things get tough, like when you're having a ROUGH NIGHT, always remember that we, the Vamily are always here... you can REST YOUR LOVE on us. ❤
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