I started reading the book on the 3rd of February, I finished it two days after. And until now, I still haven't fully recovered from it's aftereffect.
So, what was really that thing that made me love this book?
The first thing I notice in a book is the title. Like when the title caught my attention, I'd grab the book and read the synopsis. That's exactly what happened to me and I Was Here. The title caught my attention, I read the synopsis and it had me. Like, I don't even want to take my hands off the book already! AND IT'S JUST THE SYNOPSIS!
The use of the title I Was Here was a bit shocking to me. I kind of expected that that line would be from Cody. Like she's wondering why all of a sudden her best friend ended her life without telling anyone, without telling her. And she'll point out how she was always there for Meg. But then it wasn't that! I found out she kind of shoo'd Meg away. So she couldn't possibly say "I Was Here" to Meg. I think it's somehow connected to what Tricia said to Cody. That she's still here, and Meg was here. Nonetheless, the title really affected me.
I find Meg's reason for catching the bus so shallow. I mean, what was really the reason? Cody never thought that her best friend was suicidal. Upon knowing Ben McCallister, she thought he's the reason why suddenly Meg thought of ending her life. But was that really enough? To kill yourself just bc a boy broke your heart? Enter this idea from Meg's brother that maybe she's not the one who decided to end her life. Further reading made me know that Meg was depressed. So much for me thinking that her reason was shallow. I wouldn't know what it feels like to be depressed. I mean, yea I had problems, I've been too hurt, disappointed yet I always get over it. I've been suicidal but I'm still here. I was like Cody in some way, the way she thought of ending her life as well bc she's just tired of living. I can feel that too. Fortunately I got over it. Some people thinks of suicide but doesn't do it. I'm one of them. Maybe it's different for Meg. Maybe it's the last string. Having a depression isn't a joke. I wish people, moreover teenagers would stop saying they are depressed, or they have anxiety disorders bc they think it's cool. Take what happened to Meg as an example. She's so depressed she thought taking the bus would solve her problems. Now what's so cool abt that?
I've been into mystery stories, tackling abt leaving... or suicide. My fav stories, Paper Towns and Thirteen Reasons Why are abt it. And now, I Was Here was an addition. Don't get me wrong but when I read Paper Towns, I've always wanted to be like Margo. Go out, find myself, be free. Get lost, get found. But when I read 13RW, I kind of relate to Hannah. The way she felt, that's what I also experience. Not exactly, but almost. Sometimes I even get worried I might take the same path Hannah took. Tho, I learned from her mistakes, I just hope people would also learn from theirs, too. (More on that on my review abt Thirteen Reasons Why) But reading I Was Here, I learned a lot about life. It made me understand how to be left behind, how it would be like for my mom, my siblings, everyone around me if I'll be gone. It thought me the importance of life. It made me treasure life even more. No, I'm not suicidal. However, I can relate to Cody bc sometimes I feel tired of living.
The romantic side of this book got me surprised. In a way that I'M NOT PREPARED TO FALL IN LOVE TO SOMEONE WHO HURT MEG OMG. I used to hate Ben, really. I've always thought of him as a douche. And now I'm so smitten by him. Gahd! What a turn of events!
This book made me undergo a lot of things. It made me weep, it made me feel sorry for Cody, it made me fall inlove. The mystery, tragedy and romance of this story is very well-written, you'll be lost in the story. And it also showed the bravery it takes to live after experiencing a devastating loss. Having said that, this book made to the top of my fav books. There's just something with this book that makes me want to read it all over again. And even if I read it after I've just read it, I still get the same feeling. I still get excited. It always feels like the first time.
Rating: 5/5 stars. This is just perfect, in all ways!